Hi, my name is Chloe and I'm a hipster and proud. It's probably my hipster tendencies that have led me to listening a ton of Australian music that nobody else in England listens to, well that and it's really good. So I thought I'd compile a list (because who doesn't love a good list) of my favourite Australian artists. Here we go...
Illy is the artist who originally got me hooked on Australian music last year and I have to thank him for that because it’s been a good year of music for me. Illy is a hip hop artist, with the distinctive sound of Aussie hip hop present in his music. My love for Illy started with the song Tightrope, and after learning ALL the words to that so that I can now rap along with it perfectly, I started listening to more of his music. My top 3 songs of his are: Tightrope, It Can Wait and Where Ya Been. (To the people I lived with last year, I’m not even slightly sorry for rapping loudly along to Where Ya Been.)
Chet Faker is definitely the height of hipsterness. It’s the sort of music you’d hear in a dark, probably wooden coffee shop that’s full of people with top knots, tattoos and beards and it's very cool. His music is a mix between alternative and electronic (but please don't take my word for that because I'm really bad at determining music genres...). He has done some amazing acoustic renditions of his songs too that are actually (if possible) more beautiful than the originals. And his cover of Sonia Dada's You Don't Treat Me No Good (on triple j for Like A Version) is just incredible. My top 3 Chet Faker songs are: To Me, Talk Is Cheap and I'm Into You.
I just saw the Hilltop Hoods do a show in Camden and so my love for them is extra strong right now because sweet jesus they were good. Hilltop Hoods are a hip hop band made up of Suffa, Pressure and Debris and their music incredible. My love started with the song The Nosebleed Section and has progressed from there. When they sang The Nosebleed Section at the concert I sang along so loudly and loved every minute of it (also I was in the nosebleed section of the venue so it felt quite apt). My top 3 Hilltop Hoods songs are: The Nosebleed Section, Cosby Sweater and I Love It.
Thundamentals were supporting Hilltop Hoods at the concert and it was for this reason that I started listening to them, and after to listening to Got Love just once I fell in love. Their songs are so catchy and are full of lines that make me laugh (or in the case of Noodle Soup every line makes me laugh because what even is that song). They're another hip hop band made up of Tuka, Jeswon and DJ Morgs. I'm not exaggerating when I say that I listen to Thundamentals every day, I love them. Oh and their cover of Matt Corby's Brother is incredible and when they started singing that at the concert I was so stoked. Tuka, who is one of the front men, has some really good solo tracks too, I particularly like Tattoo by him. My top 3 Thundamentals songs are: Brother, Smiles Don't Lie and Got Love.
And finally we have Matt Corby. Now this is solely for his song Brother because it's so beautiful and I adore it. Unfortunately I can't find many of his songs on youtube so my knowledge of Matt Corby isn't very extensive, but I do know that he has a beautiful voice that has the perfect amount of huskiness to it. I guess I just need to search harder for more of his music. He does a gorgeous cover of Lonely Cover by The Black Keys though. (Plus he has the man bun and beard thing going on so y'know).
I feel like I should also mention triple j, which is an Australian radio station and it's thanks to them I know of all these beautiful covers and they've helped me discover so many new artists, both from Australia and around the rest of the world. Oh and Matt and Alex's breakfast show (that I actually listen to at 8pm because of time zones and that) is a constant source of enjoyment for me and they've provided me with many an evening of giggles and good music.
And that's it! These are the people I'll be listening to on a daily basis (I actually listened to all of them whilst typing this) and if you haven't heard of them then you need to go change that ASAP. There are links to all of them below to help you with that.
If you have any music recommendations for me then feel free to leave them in a comment below. I'll be taking both Australian and non-Australian recommendations ;)
Thanks for reading! Remember to follow me for weekly posts (except last week... sorry).
Have a rad day.
Love Chloe x
- Illy // https://www.youtube.com/user/Illyofficial
- Chet Faker // https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLcSym6gRtQqhxLZHvAwuDg
- Hilltop Hoods // https://www.youtube.com/user/Hilltophoods
- Thundamentals // https://www.youtube.com/user/thundamentalstv OR https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCC5ASBr1UBE8BafxRO6lt1g
- Matt Corby // https://www.youtube.com/user/MattCorbyau
- Triple j // http://www.abc.net.au/triplej/
- Me on bloglovin // https://www.bloglovin.com/people/chloerogers5-7586623
- Me on youtube // https://www.youtube.com/user/TheGiddyElf