Monday, 23 March 2015

The Daily Traveller // 20th March 2015

My 20th of March was pretty rad, so I decided to vlog it and blog it. I'm sure you've already guessed that this is the blog part of that, but there's going to be a link to the vlog part at the end of this post so look for that when you get there and go relive this reading experience in video form ;) Anyway, so my day was rad, as I said. Here's what happened.

I woke up at quarter to 8, and as someone who can sleep through entire mornings, it's safe to say I was tired. But it was worth getting up early because I was up to see the solar eclipse!

My housemates and I ended up taking a really long walk around the countryside that surrounds our uni, seeing glimpses of the eclipse through clouds and trees. At 9:30 we stopped and watched the eclipse at it's peak time. I don't think we got the full effect of the eclipse due to the clouds, but what we did see was still incredible. Once the eclipse was over and we were essentially just staring at the regular sun, we began our downhill trek home.

My afternoon was pretty standard - coffee, youtube, essays, youtube, toast, coffee, game of thrones and getting myself pretty for the next part of my day.


My parents arrived in Bath at about 6 o'clock and we then headed into town to see Mary Berry (she's a cook and also a judge on the show The Great British Bake Off, and also one of my weird girl crushes). She was doing a Q&A for my local bookshop, Topping and Company. She talked about her life, how she became a famous cook, The Great British Bake Off, her new book 'Absolute Favourites' and general baking and cooking things. Mary is 80 years old, and she is literally my old lady goals. When I'm 80 I want to be as healthy, happy and fashionable as she is. After the Q&A I got the chance to meet Mary as she was signing books. The queue to meet her was obviously huge so everything was rushed, but I managed to say hello and get a photo and that's good enough for me.

We finished the day off by having dinner at Wagamama (honestly best place on earth) and then beginning our 2 hour long drive home. It was such an amazing day.

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy the rest of your day, and I'll talk to you again soon.

In the comments, why don't you tell me if you saw the eclipse, and if you did where did you see it from? I'd love to hear, because space and eclipses fascinate me!

Love Chloe x


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