So I bought a lot of books in April, and it was all because I found this £3 bookshop in Bristol, where all the books are obviously £3. And is if that wasn't good enough, they had a offer on of buy 4 books for £10. So being the massive bookworm that I am, I wasn't about to pass up the chance to buy books for cheap.
So here are all the books I've bought this month...
'All I Know Now' by Carrie Hope Fletcher. This book is a mixture of stories from Carrie's life as a teenager and advice for people who might be going through the same things she did. For example, there are stories and advice on bullying, heartbreak and making friends. I'm about a third of the way through it and it's great. If you are a teenager, you probably need this in your life. And if you're not a teenager, you still probably need this in your life.
'The Song of the Quarkbeast' by Jasper Fforde. This is the sequel to his book 'The Last Dragonslayer' which I read a few years ago and loved. This book is about Jennifer Strange who is running an employment agency for magicians. I bought this in the £3 bookshop!
'How We Met' by Katy Regan. I hadn't heard of this, but the cover was what made me want to buy it, it's so pretty! This book is about a group of friends who have to try and find a way of living without their friend, Liv, who has just died. I'm not entirely sure what else happens in it other that because I haven't read it yet, but it sounds like a good YA/romance novel, so i'm excited to get into it! This is also from the £3 bookshop.
'A Long Way Down' by Nick Hornby. This book is about 4 people who all end up on the roof at the same time, all with the intention of killing themselves. But when they all meet, they stop each other from doing that. I hadn't heard of this book until picking up, but I did know about the film adaptation of it, which I thought looked quite good from the trailers. Plus, there is a quote from Johnny Depp on the back, saying that he loved it, which seems like a good sign. AND, it was £3 so I couldn't really not buy it.

'Flyte' by Angie Sage. This is the sequel to her book 'Magyk' and is part of the Septimus Heap series. I read 'Magyk' a few years ago (at the same time as I was reading The Last Dragonslayer weirdly) and really enjoyed it, so as this was just £3 I decided to pick it up and continue on with the series. This book is about Septimus' mission to rescue his adoptive sister Jenna, who was kidnapped by their brother, Simon Heap, who clearly has turned bad. It's very magical as they're all wizards, and as it's predominately aimed at children, it's a pretty light and easy read.

'Days of Blood and Starlight' by Laini Taylor. This is the sequel to 'The Daughter of Smoke and Bone' which I read last year and absolutely adored. I'm not exactly sure what this one is about, and to avoid spoilers for those of you who haven't read the first book, I won't write what the blurb says here! But the first book is about a girl called Karou who runs errands for Brimstone, who has raised her. However, the door that leads to 'Elsewhere', a more magical version of earth, is closing and Karou needs to decide whether to stay in her normal life in Prague or go to Elsewhere. I'm so excited to start reading this because the first book was brilliant!

'Lips Touch' by Laini Taylor. This is a collection of short stories, that are all connected by the theme of kissing. The three stories are called 'Goblin Fruit', 'These Spicy Little Curses' and 'Hatchling'. All three stories are very magical, but all with a slight hint of darkness in them. I have read this one, and I loved it! My favourite story from it was 'Goblin Fruit' but they were all excellent.
'Sophie's World' by Jostein Gaarder. This book was actually lent to me by my best friend Amber (the person from my blog post 'Human Stories' <3) so technically it shouldn't be part of this haul, but hey this is my blog and I make the rules. This book is about a young girl called Sophie who starts getting letters in her mailbox about philosophy. She doesn't know who is sending them and so tries to find out. It's part fiction, part philosophy lessons, and it's all very mysterious.
And so that is all the books from the month of April. Well actually I also got 'The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender' by Leslye Walton, which Mr B's sent me for the reading year that I have with them, but it's at home so I couldn't photograph and include it in this because I'm at university right now! But that book was amazing, so I'd definitely recommend it!
Let me know in the comments if you have read any of these books, or if not, tell me if you bought any books this month!
Thanks for reading, make sure to follow me for new posts at least once a week!
Love Chloe x