Sunday, 3 May 2015

April in Photos


This is my April in photos, and here are the stories of these photos: 

1. My sister did a Disney photo shoot and this was the Belle inspired makeup that I had. 
2. Easter treats #1.
3. Easter treats #2 - pavlova made by me and my my mum! 
4. Easter treats #3 - hot cross loaf made by me! 
5. Penguins at the zoo. 
6. Me at Marwell zoo :) 
7. I held a baby for the first time ever and he held my hair. It was kinda adorable (okay very adorable). 
8. Bundy and coke with my sister on National Sibling Day. 
9. This sunset view was on the roof of a carpark. Pretty rad, huh. 
10. We went to get churros and mocktails before going to the cinema and they had sombreros in the bar so we became SOMEBREBROS.
11. Waiting for food in wagamama and I was STARVING. I don't think I'd eaten food that wasn't pretzels since about 9am and at this point it was about 7pm. That's a long time to live on just pretzels. 
12. More mocktails, but with my mum this time. They were deliciooous!
13. We were looking through old photo albums and I found this photo of my sister and I at the 12 Apostles taken in 1997. How crazy is that? I would have been 1! (I'm the one on the left.)
14. Look at this adorable little cake! It tasted as yummy as it looked. 
15. My family and I went for afternoon tea at the Jane Austen centre in Bath and it was one of the best I've ever had. If you're in Bath definitely visit this place for "tea with Mr Darcy"! 
16. On that same weekend we stayed in the Tracy Park Hotel (just outside of Bath city) and we had a four poster bed! It was so cosy. 
17. Coffee in the sunshine just before my lecture. It was lovely. 
18. I went to the Harry Potter Studio tour in Watford with my mum and sister and saw the REAL HOGWARTS EXPRESS. So so so cool <3. 

So that's my April in photos. April was such a great month and I did lots of lovely things. 

How was your April? Let me know what you got up to in the comments :) 

Thanks for reading, make sure to follow me for posts at least once a week. 

Love Chloe x

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