Sunday, 10 May 2015

Coffee Cups With Chloe: Bath and Bristol

I've had a crazy busy week and that means I haven't had time to write this weeks blog post. PLUS, I left my idea notebook at university so I don't have that to hand to look over all my ideas. And so what does that all add up to? A Coffee Cups with Chloe post (AKA, updates galore)!

As I said, I was really busy this week. But luckily, it was the fun kind of busy, rather than the worky kind of busy. My sister came to spend a few days with me in Bath and we packed a lot into those three days. On the first day we went to Bristol to do some shopping and also to go to the aquarium. It was really wet and windy (shocking for England, I know) which meant we didn't actually do much shopping, but it's all good because the aquarium was awesome. They had jellyfish, stingrays and tiny frogs which were incredible colours. (And hella poisonous; the information about them said that just one tiny bit of their poison was enough to kill eight humans!)

On the second day I had lessons in the morning, but then we went shopping in Bath in the afternoon. It was still very wet and windy, so we had to dodge the rain by running from shop to shop and spending as little time as possible outside.

One of my purchases... the most beautiful brush ever. It's the tapered blush brush from the Bold Metals collection by Real Techniques <3

Jumping photos never really work out when you have long hair...
And on the third day, we went back to Bristol to go to Bristol Zoo, and it was actually sunny! I was really impressed with the zoo because they made the most of what they had. What I mean is that they didn't have many of the 'exciting' animals like giraffes, tigers, elephants, etcetera, but they made the animals they did have really interesting to look at. There were talks and feeds going on all day so you were guaranteed to catch at least one. We saw the otters and gorillas get fed, and it was so cool to watch this. Fun fact: gorillas are so like humans that they can have Calpol and paracetamol when they're ill! They also had a butterfly house which was rad, the butterflies are flying all around you and you can get some amazing close up photos of them.

The time spent not shopping or looking at animals and fish, we were in Walkabout, an Australian bar, eating Aussie food and drinking bundys. And when we weren't there we were in The Pig and Fiddle in Bath drinking bundys. Bundy is good, okay. (it's Bundaberg rum and coke, in case you didn't know.)

Sydney Burger and bundy in Walkabout, mmmmm.

And when we weren't shopping, looking at animals and fish, or being Australian, we were watching films at my home. We watched Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb, which was really good. It was just easy-going and funny, and I think they ended the trilogy perfectly with that. The other film we watched was the modern version of Little Red Riding Hood with Amanda Seyfried in it. I'd never heard of this (I don't know how?) but I thought it was great. I liked the clever twist on the classic fairytale, and plus Gary Oldman was in it, so it was guaranteed to be good.

Life is going back to normal next week and I'll just be doing my usual uni thing, which means an few lessons, lots of reading and lots of TV watching, hahaha.

Make sure to follow me for weekly posts, with some extra posts thrown in here and there :)

Thanks for reading, I hope you're having a wonderful day and I'll talk to you soon.

Love Chloe x

Me on youtube:
Bristol Aquarium:
Bristol Zoo:
Makeup brush:

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